Christmas Comes Early to St. Mary's....
Today in lab we had a Christmas theme. My group, the triple threats, went all out. We had elf shirts, hats, and shoes. The kids really got a kick out of it. Today in lab we didn't have a specific skill to watch, but rather we had to play games that involved a parachute. We played a number of games with the kindergarten and first graders. They loved every minute of it. We started off lab by having them play some tag games. We called it Christmas tag we had two tagger for the game. The first round the students could run around, and if they got tagged they had to freeze and put their hands on the side of their head to make reindeer antlers. To get back into the game someone who has not been tagged has to stand in front of them and make
the same pose they are. We did this for a few rounds making changes to the game each time. For example one round they had to skip, then hop, and then gallop. Also when they got tagged we changed the way they had to freeze, they had to make a
tree for one round and the north star for another. As they were playing I went and got may game ready with the parachute. I tied a box wrapped like a present to the middle of the parachute. I explain to the students we were Santa's helpers and had to try and get the ball on the parachute into the box by shaking it. If we got it in then the present was done and could go onto Santa's sleigh. We tried this game for a while, but we were unsuccessful at getting the ball into the box. Even though we didn't complete the task the kids had a great time and had smiles on their faces throughout the activity. We then played a number of different games that involved the parachute before they went down to the cafeteria for snack. Once in the cafeteria we talked with them about what they were asking for for Christmas. We then did some coloring creating Christmas trees and present. After it was time to go back up to the gym for our final group game, song, and cheer.
I had a blast this semester going to St. Mary's. The kids were so much fun and I feel like I learned a lot. I learned about myself and grew as a teacher candidate. It went by so fast, but all good things should go by fast I guess. Just like the expression..."time flys when you're having fun!" Boy did I have fun with helping out at St. Mary's!!!
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